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trip to italy!

Details about the trip

Arrival: April 21, 2022 to Florence, Italy

Taxi will drive us to the flat (Apt)


Price is $2,750. Includes: Room & board for 10 nights, city guide, all activities listed in itinerary (those group activities will be paid for in advance) 


Flight is not included in the package, they are currently around $700 round trip. Customs may require a negative covid 19 test or proof of vaccination.


Light snacks & drinks will be available at the apartment.


Everyone will have their own room/private space.


Christina has lived in and traveled to Florence & Rome three times. She will be your guide and hopefully transmit her infinite love for Italy over to you!


We will send a detailed handbook on travel recommendations, things to pack & stuff to prepare for once your are ready to book.


about yourself

If you're interested in joining us on our trip to Florence, Italy, please fill out the information below.

Thanks for submitting!

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